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FLUKE 434 掌上型電力品質分析儀

廠務、電氣  工程師最佳利器
  1. 5組(R、S、T、N、GND)電壓隔離通道、4組(R、S、T、N)電流隔離通道。

  2. 符合EN-50160、IEC-61000及4組自設值。

  3. 暫態電壓可測至5uS以下,可達6Kv。

  4. 畫面更新率 200Ms/per。

  5. 可量測Vrms、Arms、Apk、Vpk、CF、Hz、kW、kVA、kVAR、PF、COSφ、Harmonics、Inter Harmonics、THD、K Factor、kWh、kVARh、kVAh、Flicker、Unbalance。

  6. 具諧波及偶次諧波量測功能

  7. 具相位圖可顯示每相相位角度

  8. 具自動記錄數據功能。

  9. 具電力異常監測功能。

  10. 儲存記憶體(50組Screen/10組data)。

  11. 內建鎳氫電池,充電後可用7小時。

通   道 附   件

1. 具有五組電壓隔離通道 (R.S.T.N.G.) 
2. 具有四組電流隔離通道 (R.S.T.N)
3. 同時量測電壓電流值 

1. 四組(400A)電流鉗
2. 五組電壓測棒及鱷魚夾
3. 光電隔離USB連接線
4. 充電器
5. 硬殼手提箱
6. 軟體 (可下載各項電力參數之波形及數據)


CAT Ⅲ1000V

CAT Ⅳ 600V


可測暫態電壓,最高可至 5uS6kV



Power & Energy


Phasor diagram








Dips & Swells





並有Inter Harmonics功能,可測偶數次諧波 。

Power Event:



Input characteristics

Voltage inputs

Number of inputs 4 (3 phases + neutral) 中性
Maximum input voltage 1000 Vrms 最大
Maximum peak voltage 6 kV 瞬間電壓
Input impedance阻抗 4 MΩ / 5 pF
Bandwidth頻寬 9 kHz, up to 100 kHz for transient display

Current inputs

Number of inputs 4 (3 phases + neutral)
Type Clamp on current transformer with mV output
Range 1 to 400 Arms with included clamps (I400S)
0.2 to 3000 Arms with optional clamps
Input impedance阻抗 50 MΩ
Bandwidth頻寬 9 kHz
Nominal frequency頻率 40 to 70 Hz

Sampling system

Resolution解析度 16 bit analog to digital converter(類比轉換) on 8 channels
Maximum sampling speed採樣 200 kS/s on each channel simultaneously
RMS sampling 5000 samples on 10/122 cycles according IEC 61000-4-30
Accuracy, resolution and range
Volt/Amps/Hertz Measurement range Resolution最小解析 Accuracy精度
Vrms (AC+DC) 1 to 1000 Vrms 0.1 Vrms ±0.5% of nominal voltage
Vpk 1 to 1400 Vpk 1 V 5% of nominal voltage
CFV 1.0 to > 2.8 0.1 ±0.5 %
Arms (AC+DC) with included clamps 0 to 20,000 Arms
0 to 400 Arms
0,001 to 10 Arms
0.1 and 1 Arms 
±1% of reading ±5% counts
Apk using 1mV/A scaling 0-5500 Apk 10 A ±5 %
CFA using 1mV/A caling 1 to 10 0.1 ±5 %
50 Hz nominal 42.50 to 57.50 Hz 0.01 Hz ±0.1% of nominal frequency
60 Hz nominal 51.00 to 59.00 Hz 0.01 Hz ±0.1% of nominal frequency

Dips and swells

Vrms1/2 (AC+DC) 0.0 to 100 % of nominal voltage 0.1 Vrms ±1% of nominal voltage
Vrms1/2 (AC+DC) with included clamps 0 to 20,000 Arms
0 to 400 Arms
0,001 Arms to 10 Arms
0.1 Arms and 1 Arms
±1% of reading ± 5 counts
Threshold levels Programmable in percent of nominal voltage
Duration Hhh,mm,ss,mmm with half-cycle cycle time resolution


Harmonic selection (n) DC, 1 to 50    
Inter-Harmonic selection Off, 1 to 49     
Vrms  Relative (%f) 0.0 to 100.0 % 0.1 % ±1% ± n x 0.1%(±0.4% for %r)
Absolute 0.0 to 1000 Vrms 0.1 Vrms ±5% of reading ± 2 counts
Arms  Relative (%f) 0.0 to 100.0 % 0.1 % ±1% ± n x 0.1%(±0.4% for %r)
Absolute 0.0 to 4000 mV x selected clamp scaling 1 mVrms x selected clamp scaling ±5% of reading ± 5 counts
Watts  Relative (%f) 0.0 to 100.0 % 0.1 % ± n x 2%
Absolute Depends on selected clamp and voltage scaling   ±5% of reading ± n x 2%of reading, ± 10 counts
DC Volt  Relative (%f) 0.0 to 100.0 % 0.1 % ±1%
Absolute 0.0 to 1000 V 0.1 V ±5% of reading ± 10 counts


0.0 to 100.0 % 0.1 % ±2.5%
Hz 0 to 3500 Hz 1 Hz ±1 Hz
Phase angle -360° to + 360° 1° ± n x 1.5°

Power and Energy

Watt 1.0 W to 20.00 MW1 0.1 W to 1 kW1 ±1.5% of reading ± 10 counts3
VA 1.0 VA to 20.00 MVA1 0.1 VA to 1 kVA1 ±1.5% of reading ± 10 counts3
VAR 1.0 VAR to 20.00 MVAR1 0.1 VAR to 1 kVAR1 ±1.5% of reading ± 10 counts3
kWh 00.00 kWhr to 200.0 GWhr1 0.01 Whr to 100 Whr1 ±1.5% of reading ± 10 counts3
kVA 00.00 kVAhr to 200.0 GVAhr1 0.01 VAhr to 100 VAhr1 ±1.5% of reading ± 10 counts3
kVAR 00.00 kVARhr to 200.0 VARhr1 0.01 VARhr to 100 VARhr1 ±1.5% of reading ± 10 counts3
Power Factor 0 to 1 0.01 ±0.033
Cos ψ / FPF 0 to 1 0.01 ±0.033


Pst (1 min), Pst, Plt, PF5 instantenous Flicker 0.00 to 20.00 0.01 Within ±5% of tabulated values according IEC61000-4-15
Dc %, Dmax % and Time d(t) exceeds limits. As described per IEC 61000-3-3 0.0 to ±100.0% for Dc % and Dmax % and 0.000 to 9.999s for Time 0.1% for Dc % and Dmax % and 10 ms for Time ±1% for Dc % and Dmax % and 20 ms for Time


Volts 0.0 to 5.0% 0.1% ±0.5%
Current 0.0 to 20% 0.1% ±1%

Transient capture

Volts ±6000 /vpk 1 V ±15% of cursor reading±2.5% of Vrms
Minimum detect duration 5 μs Sampling rate 200 kS/s

Inrush mode

Arms (AC+DC) 0.000 to 20.00 kArms 0.001 to 10 Arms ±1% of meas ± 5 counts
Inrush Duration Mm:ss:mmm between 7.5 s to 30 m selectable 10 ms ±20 ms (Fnominal = 50 Hz)
Recording time記錄時間 From 30 min with 1 second display resolution up to 450 days with 6 hour display resolution